Mold Inspections

US Pro Master
US Pro Master
What is Mold?
Molds are fungi. Molds grow throughout the natural and built environment. Tiny particles of mold are present in indoor and outdoor air. In nature, molds help break down dead materials and can be found growing on soil, foods, plant matter, and other items. Molds produce microscopic cells called “spores” which are very tiny and spread easily through the air. Live spores act like seeds, forming new mold growths (colonies) when they find the right conditions.
What does mold need to grow?
Suitable place to grow

Your Questions answered
US Pro Master
Should I be concerned about mold in my home?
Mold should not be permitted to grow and multiply indoors. When this happens, health problems can occur and building materials, goods and furnishings may be damaged.
Can mold make me and my family sick?
Mold can affect the health of people who are exposed to it. People are mainly exposed to mold by breathing spores or other tiny fragments. People can also be exposed through skin contact with mold contaminants (for example, by touching moldy surfaces) and by swallowing it. The type and severity of health effects that mold may produce are usually difficult to predict. The risks can vary greatly from one location to another, over time, and from person to person.

Detecting mold, protecting your health.

US Pro Master
What symptoms might I see?
The most common health problems caused by indoor mold are allergy symptoms. Although other and more serious problems can occur, people exposed to mold commonly report problems such as:
Nasal and sinus congestion
Wheeze/breathing difficulties
Sore Throat
Skin and eye irritation
Upper respiratory infections (including sinus)
US Pro Master
Should I test for mold?
We do not recommend testing for mold yourself. Instead, you should simply assume there is a problem whenever you see mold or smell mold odors. Testing should never take the place of visual inspection and it should never use up resources that are needed to correct moisture problems and remove all visible growth.
Sometimes, mold growth is hidden and difficult to locate. In such cases, a combination of air (outdoor and indoor air samples) and bulk (material) samples may help determine the extent of contamination and where cleaning is needed. However, mold testing is rarely useful for trying to answer questions about health concerns. For more information on mold testing or to schedule a mold inspection with US Pro Master call us at 1-800-690-3819

US Pro Master
Air Quality Inspection Services:
Indoor air quality is very important because it is a greater risk to your health than outdoor air pollution, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Products commonly used in your home emit chemicals that can cause illness, breathing problems and irritation. Some signs that your air quality could be poor include unusual odors, the presence of mildew or mold, and feeling healthier outdoors than in. Even if you’re not noticing any of these signs, it’s important for the health of everyone in your home to ensure that an air quality inspection is performed regularly.
US Pro Master has been perfecting the art of Home Inspection since 1999. The industry has continued to evolve with new standards and more advanced technology to confirm the condition of the home. But one thing has remained consistent: our dedication to providing the best Home Inspection solutions.